Estuen Inc.

Home Estuen Inc.

Estuen Inc.


Add: 256, Sangidaehak-ro, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea 15079 / 경기도 시흥시 산기대학로 256

Company Introduction:

Our mission is to give people a small inspiration with creativity by delivering the essential products to support their lifestyles to inspire others even more exceptional. S to N stands for a Small inspiration to the New creation for others.
We are located in South Korea, California, and Osaka.

Exhibit Product:

a.kobee is the new concept of the baby bottle made out of the ultra-pure silicone material that keeps less than 0.4% of VOCs with patented technology of functional structure that naturally keeps the esophagus opened and induces smooth digestion during feeding with the ergonomic grips for parents.

Buyers want to meet: On-offline distributor